H company undertakes the processing of catalytic converters available to customers without any commitment to their sale to us.
Just picking up the catalysts proceed at all stages of processing and delivering the customer packaged, weighed and all the results of analyzes of the material of.
customers free from the time consuming, tedious and often irregular process are now able to completely legal and transparent way to market their material having saved a lot of time, space and knowing exactly what precious metals have emerged after processing and analysis they can easily achieve better deals.

[two_thirds][info icon=”fa-picture-o” ]Financialisation RIGHT OF CATALYSTS[/info] Customers who decided to cooperate with us even have an advantage from another innovative application of our company. After the completion of customer catalysts processing operations and having analysis results the client has the right to decide watching myself prices of precious metals for the moment time and day you want to complete the transaction.
In many cases this proves that brings the customer a pleasant extra profit by taking advantage of fluctuations in precious metal prices in international markets[/two_thirds] [one_third_last][pmc_image image=”” animated=”bounce” icon=”fa-picture-o” ][/one_third_last]